Like every organisation in NSW, Counselling Services Sydney is bound by State and Federal privacy legislation.
Our in house Psychotherapists & Counsellors are also bound by the privacy policies, rules and guidelines of their professional association.
We take your privacy seriously.
When you first contact Counselling Services Sydney (either by phone or by email), you will generally provide information like your name, phone number and address, and you may provide some background information relating to your need for counselling. This information is held in our secure database, and, if you proceed to make a booking, will be made available to your counsellor.
Except with your express permission and except as described above, we will keep all information you provide to us confidential and secure at all times. Please note that there may be exceptions to this policy, under circumstances such as:
– in the case of a legal court subpoena, or
– if we identify an imminent threat of harm to you or another person we may decide, without obligation to do so, to report that information.
The personal information you provide to us is used by our Intake Officer to administer and manage our services to you and your counsellor, and to give you information to enable you to select a practitioner that may suit your needs. Whilst we do our best to connect you with a professional counsellor who can assist you with your issue, we make no warranty as to the suitability of your counsellor for your particular needs.
All of our counsellors are independently practicing clinicians and are not employed by us. However they are all members of professional bodies which stipulate best practices for information management. All Members of CAPA
Your counsellor will gather additional information about you from the sessions you have together. Often, your counsellor will make notes about your session, either during or immediately following your appointment. This information is used by your counsellor to provide the best possible psychological service.
Your counsellor is responsible to ensure that this information is securely held according to the confidentiality policies stipulated by their governing professional organizations, and in some cases by NSW law. If your therapist is a Registered or Clinical Psychologist, you can access their privacy guidelines here:http://www.psychology.org.au/about/ethics/#s1. If your therapist is a Psychotherapist or Counsellor, they will likely be a member of one of the member organizations of PACFA, and you can view their privacy guidelines here:http://www.pacfa.org.au/aboutus/cid/13/t/aboutus.
If you have any concerns about your privacy or the use or management of your personal information which you provided directly to ‘Counselling Services Sydney’ by email or phone please contact us. If you are concerned about the information which you provided to your counsellor, please your counsellor directly. If you wish to lodge a formal complaint, you can do so by contacting the Privacy Commissioner on 1300 363 992.